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Apilus X Cell


Hair removal for everyone! White, Grey, Black, Blond hairs can all be treated.

Face, lip, chin, sides of face, underarm etc. Exceptional comfort, outstanding results. Suitable for all hair and skin colours.

The Apilus xCell permanently destroys all hair types thanks to the insertion of a minute probe into the hair follicle and the use of an ultrarapid current. Electrolysis allows complete and permanent destruction of the cells responsible for hair growth while protecting the skin surface. This technology is efficient, very comfortable and safe, 100% guaranteed to remove stubborn facial hairs.

Call 094 902 5007

Treatment Prices

Hair Removal ConsultationFREE
15 mins€35
30 mins€55
45 mins€60
Red Vein ConsultationFREE
Red Vein TreatmentPrice on Consult
Milia Head RemovalPrice on Consult